Basic Combat Training/ MILSO Training

Monday, July 7, 2014

So, where did I leave off? Oh yes, Basic, and me waiting. While A. was away at BCT and without phone privileges the letters began to pour in. I opened every single one with major excitement. I read them over and over, and I cried and I felt love, that same deep love I felt when we first met. I sent him a letter every singe day as soon as I got his address. Communicating in this manner was the best thing for us. We were forced to pay attention to each others words and feelings, in order to reply to everything in a response letter. It helped us be more attentive to each other, as I'm sure many of you understand or have experienced. 

One day I opened a letter and it started with something like, "What is happening to us?..". My heart sank and I read on. A. began to ask repeatedly, "Why have you not written me back?". UMMMMM WHAT!?? I had sent a letter off almost every single day. Turns out the Drill Sgt's like to make the guys worry a bit and hold onto the letters for the first week or two before distributing them. Not funny at the time, but looking back, it is kind of funny. 

So, I diligently took to my pen and  paper and I began to write the longest most reassuring letter I possibly could. Then that following Sunday, he was able to make his first phone call. He immediately asked me if everything was ok. I reassured him that all was okay and that he would soon receive all my letters. And, he did. After that week we talked every Sunday, and I could hear the change in him. He was looking at life differently and I was so grateful! 

Graduation was approaching and it was time to start making travel plans. I had not seen A in almost 9 weeks, the longest I went without seeing him since the day we officially met. I was excited, I was anxious, I was starry-eyed and in love. We were so ready to make this relationship a real relationship again... 

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